Saturday, February 14, 2009

Meme time!! xD

感情: hungry (harahetaaa~)
音楽: "Manon" - Nana Kitade

Got this one from sixthwinemasa sixthwinemaiden. Anyone is free to steal it for their own purpose. 8D


- Available: yeah~ more than available! D; 
- Age: 23 
- Annoyance: Non-sense raps & R&B's (especially western ones) DX 
- Animal: Any except those who bite. :DD 

- Beer: I usually don't booze. XD 
- Birthday: December 20th
- Best Friend: My ONLINE FRIENDS!! XD I don't have a best friend at school. :@ 
- Best feeling in the world: when I'm with my true friends, listening to groovy music 
- Big words: WELL... XD 
- Blind or Deaf: Neither of them!
- Best weather: Sunny and Windy! I hate rainy days, it's so melancholic. Dv *epic fail* 
- Been in Love: NoPe 
- Been bitched out?: Are you asking me? XD 
- Been on stage?: Yeah. 
- Believe in yourself: sometimes, yes! XP 
- Believe in life on other planets: Well yes, even though I haven't heard about it.
- Believe in miracles: yeah
- Believe in Magic: I WANT TO BELIEVE!!! XD 
- Believe in Satan: yes 

- Car: none. But I want to take the White CRV here even though it's not mine!!! :DD *majorly bricked*
- Candy: NONE. DX 
- Color: RED, blue, Violet, BLACK!! 8D 
- Cried in school: Yeah but it was a long dime ago. XD 
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate. xDDD~ 
- Cake or pie: BOTH. 8D
- Countries to visit: Japan, Greece, Australia, Canada~ XD 

- Day or Night: night! XD
- Danced: Yeah
- Dance in the rain?: Hmm, once? But no one saw me. XP 
- Do splits?: I'd get vasectomized killed if I did that. D:

- Eggs: I like eggs but I'm saturated by it right now~ :| 
- Eyes: BLACK 
- Everyone has a: ball. :DD I'll spank you if you think of the malicious one! *prepares mescles* 
- Ever failed a class?: Ermm... (_ _;) 

- First crush: Can't remember who. Dv 
- Full name: Wilfredo Resurreccion Jr. 
- First thoughts waking up: *turns off alarm clock then goes back to sleep*
- Food: WHERE?!! >:DD 


- Greatest Fear: HEIGHTS!!! Damn. D:<
- Giver or taker: Both, but I'd prefer to be more of a giver. :DD
- Gum: I don't have one. D:
- Get along with your parents?: Yeah somehow.
- Good luck charm: WHAT GOOD LUCK CHARM?!! D: 

- Hair Color: black with some streaks of dark brown (if you look carefully! XD) 
- Height: 173cm
- Happy: 60% Happy,  30% Sad, 10% It's complicated! D:
- Holiday: Ermm what is a holiday?! :DD 
- How do you want to die: When I already finish my accomplishments w/ no regrets. 
- Health freak?: Not really. XP 
- Hate: As of now, those people who are already an adult yet acts like a brat!! D:< 

- Ice Cream: *drools* 
- Instrument: *headdesks continuously*

- Jewelry: Errm, none! D: 

- Kids: they can be both amusing and annoying -- at times. :DD 
- Kickboxing or karate: Kickboxing! 8D 
- Keep a journal?: *points at this blog* 

- Longest Car Ride: 16 hours from Magallanes, Sorsogon to Muntinlupa
- Love: RABURABU!!! Haha! XP 
- Letter: F 
- Laughed so hard you cried: Yeah, sometimes! But I also cried out of eating very hot/spicy foods! |D;;
- Love at first sight: nope. 

1. Slept in a bed beside you?: My family. We all sleep in the same room! 
2. Saw you cry?: N/A 
3. Went to the movies with you?: college buddies
4. You went to the mall with?: college buddy
5. You went to dinner with?: college buddy 
6. You talked to on the phone?: my uncle. 
7. Made you laugh?: sixthwinemasa sixthwinemaiden! 

- Milk flavor: ANY!! As long as its milk!!! 8DD 
- Mooned anyone?: "Mooned" wa nanda~? Dv 
- Marriage?: Not in my mind right now. XD 
- Motion sickness?: N/A
- McD's or BK?: BK!! 

- Number of Siblings: 2 big sisters and 1 adopted sister
- Number of Piercings: N/A 

- Overused Phrases: I think I know that. XDDD;
- One wish: I hope Mami Kawada will release her 8th single soon. XP 

- Place you'd like to live: Anywhere as long as its decent-looking. 
- Perfect Pizza: Lots of cheese, mushroom, salami, pepperoni, AND MORE VEGGIES!!! *bricked by sixthwinemaiden*
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi

- Quail: Quail egg? WHERE?! :DD 

- Reason to cry: Nothing really. xD 
- Radio Station: I don't listen to the radio
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: Whoa, I can't! |D;;

- Song: squall - Chiaki Ishikawa 
- Shoe size: 9½-10 
- Salad Dressing: Any dressing will do!! ♥♥
- Sushi: RABURABU~♥♥ 
- Scent: Hugo Boss!! 8D
- Skipped school: YEAH (just like sixthwinemaiden said, "it's an incredibly incurable hobby" XD)
- Slept outside: YEAH
- Seen a dead body?: Nope. 
- Shower Daily?: But of course!! 
- Swear: I don't like swearing especially when I know it won't happen. :| 
- Stuffed Animals?: ANY!! 
- Sports?: badminton, running, volleyball. 8D
- Single/Group dates: ANY 
- Strawberries/Blueberries: ANY
- Scientists need to invent: Time machine which lets you go back to the big mistake you had in the past. *HALLELUJAH CHANCE~~ NOOOOO~~!!!* :DD

- Time for bed: Usually midnight or past midnight XD
- Thunderstorms: Love it when you're at home~ cold weather then eat/drink something  to sooth the atmosphere. *PAAFEKUTO*
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: Uwahh. D:

- Unpredictable: Sometimes. XD 

- Vegetable you love: ALL 
- Vacation spot: JAPAN. Nothing else. XD

- Weakness: I'm too overanalyzing. XP 
- When you grow up: I'd like to accomplish something I think I can't.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: No one. XD My college buddies tried to imitate my gestures but they can't do it perfectly. XD 
- Worst feeling: Regret 
- Where do we go when we die: In heaven?! O_o 
- Worst weather: TOO COLD. I'd die of hypothermia. DX 

-X-Rays: I'd like to see/operate it once! 8D

-Year it is now: 2009

- Zoo animal: Panda!! 8DD 
- Zodiac sign: Sagittarius (Sun), Ox (Chinese)

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