Monday, September 24, 2007

An Unwanted Sick Leave

sentiment: recovered
harmony: "Collective" by KOTOKO

Noticed why I disappeared in the past few days? Well it's because I got sick last Friday night... I got a fever (not that high but yeah, fever is still a fever) and it drained my genki powers to go to school... Wasn't able to go and there was a seatwork waiting for us... And the 11am deadline wasn't met too bad. Better luck next seatwork.

On the other hand, I missed posting here because on the past few weeks, I wasn't able to post much because I was quite busy with school... Many homeworks and some mixtures of unexpected long waits (please refer to the post below this). Then with some sudden changes in the weather, I got wet in the rain, and voila, I got sick.

I think I'll be posting more this week because MELL's Virgin's high!/kicks! will be releasing this week (On Wednesday to be particular) and I'm excited to listen to kicks! (I don't like Virgin's high! that much just by listening to it's TV version). I will be having a single review again after ten years... xD I was waiting for that to happen for me to be able to post again...

But for now, I'll rest first since I have school tomorrow... I just dropped by to post again some few happenings way back while I was away for a few days. Ciao! Good night! *It's already 11:25 PM here*

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