Saturday, August 01, 2009

daily-daily Dream!! TV size (clearer ver.) plus new KOTOKO album

And so I am late for the news but I love every members of I've Sound, I'm still gonna post this one! xD

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This is the TV size of daily-daily Dream!! which is KOTOKO's 13th single and used as the 2nd OP theme for Hayate no Gotoku! Second Season. Not very powerful and denpatastic compared to Shichitenhakki Shijoushugi but it suits as the opening theme. But I just wished that C.G mix should've come up with a more stronger one. o_o

And finally, KOTOKO's upcoming 4th album (finally after almost 3 years) イプシロンの方舟 (Ipsilon no Fune, Ark of the Epsilon) will be released on October 14, 2009 which will contain the singles Real Onigokko, BLAZE and Hayate no Gotoku!. No further information but its catalog number would be GNCV-0014. Hopefully they would come up with some more better tracks since most of the I've girls' releases are majority disappointment.


  1. ohhh :D

    thanks fred :P

    daily-daily Dream is... good, but still not so great.. KOTOKO should sound as cute as she sounded in fickle =.=

  2. I didn't like it very well too. It lacked "denpa-flavor" so it's just a plain alright song. She should've sound cuter than her voice in that song! ><
